High Sky Zeal | TIPS Bull

TIPS Bull and High Sky Zeal
  • Blog By
    Ms.Suja T.Nair
    Head of Campus – Gr.6 to 12
    The Indian Public School – Salem.
    June 2, 2020 | In Blog

What is Brand Identity?

A determined, committed, unwavering, strong-willed, self-disciplined, courageous, self-esteemed, accountable, persistent, inviolable… Wondering if these are some synonyms… It is, but the personification of a bull. Our mascot ‘TIPS Bull’ symbolises the spirit of Tipsians, an emblem which makes us feel at home, a belonging to our geographical division.

The history of ‘TIPS Bull’ can be traced back to Jallikattu which is practised in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu as part of Pongal celebrations. It is the spirit of the sport attached with the festivities, with positive experiences and fun.

One's identity from one's strengths and weaknesses

Believing in the famous quote, “Bull riding is not about battling the strengths of the beast, it’s about battling the weakness within oneself,” our brand identity evolves the students to know more about their strengths through our ethos…


TIPS encourages students to follow their heart and know their strengths | TIPS Bull

1. Know your strengths

Personal strengths are defined as our built-in capacities for particular ways of thinking, feeling and behaviour. We may be stronger in some areas and weaker in others, and that’s okay, it’s what makes us all unique. The point is to identify our pattern of strengths so that one can tap into these to live a more fulfilling life. Students realise their positive strengths with high determination.

2. Follow your heart

Focusing on one’s thoughts and wishes instead of being mislead by others is following one’s heart. Being very devoted to the thoughts will help to follow the dreams. Commitment and an unwavering mind can help to decide between what is right and gives the intrepidity to do what one thinks is the best.

3. Compete with yourself

By constantly competing against others, one is under pressure to outwit those who are better than them. So, we feel we are never good enough, which steals all the joy from our life. However, competition is important as it enables to identify the specific and unique talents, and to harness them more effectively. A strong will and discipline will help to be self-competent.

4. Grow responsibly

There are some essential components involved in being responsible – uprightness, fellow feeling, self-esteem, accountability and courage. When one is seen as a responsible and reliable person, their self-esteem is boosted. Being responsible means considering one’s actions will affect people and situations around.

5. Love challenges

Challenge is something new and difficult which requires greater effort and determination, and call out for competitions. A lot of times, it helps to prove one’s best identity and accountability. Challenges stimulate one to take up tasks by being persistent and inviolable.

TIPS Bull - Students photo

Origination of the mascot Bull was not accidental but intentional for the determined, committed, strong-willed, self-disciplined, courageous, self-esteemed, accountable, persistent, inviolable engaged, active learners of TIPS.

Dear Readers,

As Khalil Gibran said, “Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge.”

Hope you agree that curriculum is second only to personal and moral values. Please share your broader views…

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