PreKG at TIPS starts with acclimatising and familiarising children with their new daily environment at school. After children settle in, which usually takes up to 3 weeks, they are introduced to EPL (Exercise of practical life) and sensorial materials. Apart from that children also spend time with open-ended materials which include materials from nature and also blocks. Nature walks on campus and collection of materials from nature is part of the regular curriculum. Rhyme time involves finger rhymes and also regular kindergarten themed songs. During circle time there is a lot of focus on children moving around in animal movements, creeping, crawling, balance walk, bean bags, balancing using bean bags as well as opportunities to express themselves, and a lot of listening through stories and object talk. Even storytelling in this grade is much subtler than in higher grades. Natural materials are used to set the story corner and it is set there for the entire fortnight or a month for the kids to go and observe.