- Run and walk without tripping over their feet.
- Jump, hop, and stand on one foot.
- Walk backwards and climb stairs one foot after the other.
- Kick and throw a small ball.
- Catch a big ball (most of the time).
- Climb
- Start pedaling a tricycle or bike.
- Draw a circle with a crayon, pencil, or marker.
- Play with toys that have small moving parts and/or buttons.
- Turn the pages of a book one at a time.
- Start to construct using six or more blocks.
- Work door handles and open twist-on bottle tops.
- String items together, like large beads or macaroni.
- Name the eight primary colours.
- Recite numbers to 10 and start counting groups of things.
- Start understanding time in terms of morning, night, and days of the week.
- Remember and retell favourite stories.
- Understand and talk about things that are “the same” and “different”.
- Follow simple three-step directions (“Brush your teeth, wash your face, and put on your pajamas.”)
- Draw a circle, when shown how.
- Avoid touching hot objects, like a stove, when warned not to.
- Be interested—although hesitant—about going to new places and trying new things.
- Start to play with other kids (as opposed to only playing side-by-side).
- Start being able to comfort and show concern for an unhappy friend without prompting.
- Take turns while playing (even if they don’t like to!)
- Play “real life” with toys like kitchen sets.
- Start finding simple ways to solve arguments and disagreements.
- Show (but maybe not name) a variety of emotions beyond happy, sad and upset.
- Talk in conversation using at least two back-and-forth exchanges.
- Can name things in a book when pointed to and asked.
- Say what action is happening in a picture, like running.
- Ask who, what, where, or why questions.
- Say their first name when asked.
- Are understood by others most of the time.