With a deep commitment to keep children safe, an assembly was held on Monday 9 March 2020 to Create an Awareness to understand and tackle spread of Coronavirus. G 1 and G2 staff shared information about the novel Coronavirus and precautions that need to be taken. Students were asked to maintain clean hands, avoid shaking hands and try the elbow shake, minimise contact with those unwell, maintain 1 metre distance from a coughing person, mask up when unwell and meet the doctor. Hand washing technique was shared with the students. Pavithra tejasri .P and Stuthi Rowthri of Grade 3E explained a natural homemade remedy to protect oneself from Corona virus using 2 herbs keezhanelli leaf and neem leaf in equal quantities . They also shared the do’s and don’ts to be safe from Corona virus. As a reflection of the Awareness Assembly , K.G.Rakshhana of Grade 5C prepared a hand sanitizer made out of hibiscus and lemon. We are Proud of our Young TIPSIANS who take ownership of their learning and action that comes from that learning.
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