Life is beautiful!

  • Blog By
    Ms.Maheshwari Sridhar
    Administrative Officer
    The Indian Public School
    May 25, 2020 | In Blog

Life is a journey and the road we take is our choice. The beliefs we hold provides us the road map for the life we experience. We need to believe that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL. Life is full of uncertainties — happy moments, testing times, sweet memories, blessings, challenges, twists, turns, surprises and miracles. It is inevitable for all of us to surpass all these but whether we go through or grow through is what we need to pay attention to. Hence, consciously we can make our life beautiful with some fine-tuning of our perceptions, thought processes and lifestyle modifications. A few of these steps may help us reach the path of a beautiful life.

Being human

There is a huge difference between a human being and being human. The former is a mere existence and the latter is living. Let us be humane, spread love and create a difference.


Gratitude is the greatest of all virtues. Express your gratitude generously to the almighty, by counting your blessings, and to fellowmen for every speck of goodness extended. Feeling of gratitude means that nothing is taken for granted and this orients our mind to appreciate everything. 

Joy of giving

Whenever, wherever, however and to whomever possible try to extend a helping hand. Helping does not go only with financial help, it stretches to emotional well being too. If you can lend your ears or your shoulder when someone is low there is nothing like that. Hence, let’s be of support in any form to make ourselves as well as others feel better.

Celebrate others’ successes

Our success is always exciting for us. But our true magnanimity lies in our ability to celebrate the successes of others. This shows our level of maturity and openness.

The above steps may seem very simple but they demand a very high level of integrity and mature outlook on life. It requires us to shed envy, hatred, arrogance, pride, ego and unhealthy competition. If we take conscious effort and meticulously nurture these right attributes within us, for sure, life will be beautiful not only for us but also for people travelling along with us. Let us spread positivity and happiness in the air.

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