TIPS kindergarten follows a blended approach for the early years of learning for children from the age of 2.5 years to 6 years, carefully choosing from the best practices of various global methodologies. Every child is unique and must be nurtured with the right environment both at home and school. The world today poses numerous challenges for survival, and traditional teaching and learning methods may no longer be enough to equip children with the know-how to face such challenges. It is our endeavour to bring out in children a natural curiosity and passion for learning so they grow up to be independent and responsible learners throughout their lifetime. Our classroom environment serves as a brilliant place for children to explore and learn with great enthusiasm. Our teachers are equally well trained to impart our blended kindergarten curriculum in small-batch classrooms with superior teacher-student ratio, to spark the children’s thought and research skills, and provide them with opportunities to observe and learn throughout the school day.

TIPS KG programme follows an integrated approach that ties different disciplines together for the development of physical, social, emotional, language and literacy, and cognitive skills in a young child. Aspects of practical daily life with self care and social interaction skills; nature and the physical world around us; music; dance; drama; cookery; swimming; physical fitness and exploring creative realms through imaginative art and craft are covered too. The idea behind including all areas of life in classroom learning experiences is to help children explore and create their own experience in learning and have the opportunity to maximise their individual potential.

Our blended curriculum has a framework which specifies learning outcomes for PREKG, KG1 and KG2 with smooth transition to Grade 1.

Through innovative and interactive storytelling, conversation and finger rhyme sessions during circle time, music and play, internationally approved trademark language learning resources, our young learners at TIPS build a strong foundation for language and communication.

Through hands-on exploration with natural materials, creative loose parts play and various sensorial learning tools, children befriend and learn numbers.

Children at TIPS are actively encouraged to explore the world around them to discover and learn under the guidance of their facilitators. Nature walks, nature-themed art & craft initiate young ones into various natural phenomena and amazing wonders of the world.

Exercises of practical life and social skills include activities of daily living and communication skills that teach children to function independently in their own home environment and to find their place in their world and culture. Sorting, food preparation, dressing oneself, social graces and courtesy are a few of the many EPL’s children learn. Practical life activities build children’s concentration, coordination, order and independence.

Sensorial learning includes various learning resources that help children develop and refine their senses through touch, taste, smell, sight, hearing or hands-on manipulation of various objects.

Physical development through outdoor free play, guided play, physical exercise classes, yoga, swimming, and dance are taken care of at TIPS KG.

Children are introduced to the world of music through rhymes and shlokas as part of their daily routine.

Art and craft forms an integral part of the KG curriculum with creative exploration and expression through wet-on-wet painting as well as other more traditional techniques that foster cognitive development.

KG Curriculum

  • Language development (English, Tamil & Hindi)
  • Mathematics
  • The world around us
  • Exercises of practical life
  • Social skills & conversation
  • Sensorial development
  • Outdoor play and swimming
  • Dance
  • Music & shlokas
  • Art & craft
January 2025