Out of the 500+ competitors who came from all over Tamil Nadu, Kevin G of Grade IV-E from TIPS Salem won the silver medal in the 13th Tamil Nadu State Archery Championships (2020-21) conducted by The Archery Association Tamil Nadu (TAAT) at MGR Janaki Women’s College ground from 21.02.2021 to 27.02.2021.
Kevin participated in the Indian Bow – under category 14 – Mini Sub Juniors and secured State Level Second place in both 30 meters long-distance individual performance and 30 meters long-distance group event. He was appreciated and awarded with medals and certificates presented by the president of Tamil Nadu Archery Association, Mr. Shihan Hussaini.
Adding to this, a special appreciation ceremony was held for Kevin by Dhayson Sports Academy in Chennai, graced by Ms. Lavanya (Superintendent of Police – Vigilance and Anti-corruption) and Mr. Mime Gopi (actor-cum-national level basketball player).
Our Heartiest Congratulations to Kevin G for his exemplary performance and kudos to our Physical Education team for training him.