TIPS KG declares Wednesday, March 17, 2021, to be a device-free day to ensure a conscious digital break from screen time for kindergarten children.
On this day we urge parents to:
• Read to your child from their favourite books!
• Let children use household linen & furniture to build their own tents, forts or cozy corners, and spend their day imaginatively!
• Ask your child to spend some time in the garden or balcony, water the plants, tend to them, and observe nature (earth & sky) and talk to you about what they see!
• Encourage unstructured free play. Let your child run, jump, climb, pretend play as they like, indoors or outdoors. (Outdoors in the sun would be wonderful indeed!)
• Set up a painting corner outdoors; ask your child to draw or paint whatever they see around them. Let them describe to you what they painted.
It’s time for a DIGITAL BREAK!