Dear Backroom Heroes of TIPS

Backroom heroes of TIPS
  • Blog By
    Ms. Shreya Gopal
    Content Writer
    The Indian Public School
    June 12, 2021 | In Blog

Dear Backroom heroes of TIPS,

It takes all of us a strong purpose to wake up every day and come to school, but you are the sanitary workers, the technicians, the drivers, the assistants, and the power who feed thousands of hungry guts and refresh us when we drain out. You are the ones who hide the lens with your duties and pose with a broad smile. You are the real unsung heroes of TIPS

How does your work contribute to the overall growth of the institution? You might ponder over this question but remember, 

“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop.”     ~ Mother Teresa

What If…?

What if we are not able to learn peacefully? Teach efficiently? What if the restrooms are not cleaned? What if the vans stopped running? What if the fans stopped spinning? What if the auditorium went dumb? What if the grass overgrows? What if the water tank runs dry? What if our plates go sour? What if our work gets overloaded? We have so many ‘what if’s’ but the only answer we’ve got in our minds, mouths, and hands, is YOU. You laugh with us when we evoke a conversation. You pick us from the place we are brought up and drop us in a place that brings us up. You assist us when we request you to teach us your skill. You keep the communication in the school alive and yet, you stay quiet when it comes to appreciation.

What are we without our backroom heroes

What would we do without you? 

You, our helpers (ayyamas), come to work after a tight schedule at home but we have never seen you quit. Instead, you treat all of us as your kids, and you make sure we don’t stamp any dust nor litter the ground with your efficient broomstick. 

You, our technicians, give us a mike when we decide to voice out, give us beats when we want to celebrate.

You, our drivers, hold all our addresses in your mind and you never fail to greet us with a smile. 

You, our cook, have the stove always ON because you know our hunger is always an uncontrollable phenomenon. You know our hundred different tastes, yet, the food you serve on our plates never goes wasted. 

You are an autograph that never fades

Do you, our unsung backroom heroes, still think you are not worth at least a picture? Well, TIPS is TIPS not just because of the staff and students, who are its part and parcel but it’s also what it is because of the cardboard box, and the thermocol balls that we put in to keep our parcel safe and sound, through thick and thin. You all are our backroom heroes, whose faces are plastered on the hearts of every Tipsian, and whose sweat splashes the seed of hard work and encouragement to everyone, including the ones who are reading this. 


We toast to the unsung heroes of TIPS

Stay with us till the end because without any of you, TIPS is a lost goal. Keep rendering your services with a smile and you’d continue to be in many slam books as an autograph that never fades.

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